NEW 60 day Fall Challenge Starting October 2nd

Basic info:
We will design a meal plan for you
We will design a workout plan for you
You will need to be on an advanced program for massive results and 2 shakes per day
Download the app telegram on your phone
$20.00 entry to venmo account.
CASH and gifts for prizes
Daily posting, motivation and morning mastery included
You'll need a partner to push you and for mutual support
NO EXCUSES, They don't do anything but waste your breathe
Photo Shoot/intro meeting Friday September 29th, 6pm at Sierra Adrenaline. Remote, you will need to get us info by that night
What's needed:
Everything above and-
1 weeks food log
Questionnaire filled out about your foods and allergies
1 friend to do this with you
Gym membership or commitment to train from home
Program ordered and in your hands by October 2nd
Email us me for details or if you have questions