Sierra Adrenaline Cheer Teams do Awesome at Aloha Championships in Sacramento
March 7th/8th three teams from Sierra Adrenaline traveled to Sacramento for teh Aloha Spirit Championships. They competed for 2 days against teams from all across teh west coast. Each Team finished with an overall score of above a 92% which is absolutely amazing and they all ranked abover several much larger teams. The Mini's team placed 2nd out of 6 teams, Youth placed 4th out of 8 teams, and Seniors placed 4th out of 6 teams. They scored higher than any scores so far this season and they are excited to take the mat in Anaheim in April. The teams have stepped up their training and now hit the mat 4 days a week for competition team training as well as skills classes 2 other days per week minimum. The coaches are excited to see the stage in Anaheim as they push past new heights and see dreams become a reality near the Happiest Place On Earth, Disneyland! Stay tuned for more updates and the teams are pushing hard for the last 2 competitions of the season.